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Old 05-14-2006, 09:08 AM   #10
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: La Crosse, WI
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Originally Posted by BigBoy100
Hi im a 17 year old guy and im 394lbs. I really need to lose weight. Im tired of not being able to do things and beig made fun of.

Please help
Been there and don't want to go back. 4 years ago I was 439, now I am 301 and still losing. what works for me, is lots of water and a smaller portion. Eat only enough to satisfy, then go do something, get out of the house if nothing more than going outside.

Even though you are young, pace yourself. If it hurts then stop. Walking and water aerobics are what works for me. Set a daily goal and move in that direction. If you do not achieve that goal don't get discouraged and quit, just keep moving.

Find a support group, T.O.P.S., or O A is a good place to start. If you have a college or university in your town go to the Phyisical Education Department and talk to them about a low impact program, they will help you.

You did not get fat overnite, it WILL NOT come off fast! Trust me on this.

Look to your friends for help, more for emotional support, and company. Your diet is your business, do what works for you, not anybody else.

Jenni Craig is a waste of money. My SO and I eat salads and other lite fare, when we out for dinner we choose a buffet with a good salad bar, I eat alot of salad. One of our favorite summer meals is a salad containing canned chicken, cheese, prunes, orange slices, cashews and any thing else I can find.

Being 17 You are in high school, don't let life pass you by. Get out and do things with your friends. If the jocks and face boys give you a hard time ignore them, and get on with what you are doing. They are beneath your contempt. Remember you are bigger, stronger, and better looking than they are.

The only way this plan will work is to get out and do it!!!
Annoy the ones that ignore you!!!
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Heavily medicated for the good of mankind.
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