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Old 05-13-2006, 10:46 PM   #14
romuh doog
A person with no friends is a. lonely b. friendless c.smelly
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Here for now
Posts: 69
A man driving through the desert stops at the first bar he's seen in over 200 miles. Dusty and tired he manages to get through the door of the old saloon to find quite a luxurious two story oasis inside. He sits down, orders a beer finding most everyone inside a friendly sort.

After a few beers he asks the bartender which door leads to the bathroom. The bartender says "Make sure you take the one on the right pal, the owner went to Florida a few years ago and brought back a real alligator. Keeps him chained to the porch out back. He used to be pretty friendly, but the owner kept feeding him candy and now he's got a rotten tooth and he is really mean". The man thanks him, uses the facilities and orders another beer.

A few more beers later the man spies a pickle jar full of $100 bills next to the register. He asks the bartender what in the world that is all about. "Well." replies the bartender "We have a bet in these parts been going on for a few years, see we got us a little whore house here and we got a whore that ain't never been satisfied."

"I'm not sure I understand you." Says the ma. "All I have to do is satisfy the whore and I get the money; sounds easy to me!"

"No." The bartender says shaking his head. "You have to pull that alligators rotten tooth too. Then the whole jar of money is yours".

The man sits a few hours more, drinking and pondering the treasure of the pickle jar decides he could satisfy the whore. He downs more beer, a few shots, and finally works up the courage, puts his $100.00 on the bar, and in a flash heads out the back door to tackle the alligator.

For ten minutes the most awful screams and slamming noises could be heard all over the bar. Furniture breaking, clothes ripping and then silence except for the back door swinging wide open to reveal the man, standing in shreaded clothes, sweat pouring off his brow, heart pounding, trying to catch his breath. Then he belts out

"All where is the whore with the bad tooth?"
If Washington's teeth were wooden, did Martha have splinters in her...lips?
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