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Old 05-13-2006, 12:30 AM   #87
pseudointellectual antipodean omnivore
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 91
So Ibram is not your sock puppet? For your information, I don't have a sock puppet either. If you disagree with any of the premises put forward by charlene, feel free to address her on the subject.She'd eat you.Frankly, her assertions about this board are dead on. I've never seen a forum so openly hostile to counter-opinion, nor have I seen a forum that opens a 'welcome' thread and allows it to be whored out by the regulars.

Now, as you are ready to run away without answering any questions, I'll bid you farewell on this issue.The kitchen may be the focal point in your house, but the menial tasks still await you. By the way, are you a legal resident of the US? You never did say.
This movie is invisible on any computer that is running pirated software
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