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Old 05-11-2006, 10:51 PM   #17
pseudointellectual antipodean omnivore
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 91
Originally Posted by MaggieL
A simple review of the immigration threads makes it abundantly clear who specializes in personal attacks and who does and doesn't answer simple questions. It must be incredibly frustrating for you that your seemigly endless calumny hasn't provoked me into responding in kind.
What is incredibly frustrating for me is that one loud-mouthed bitch is determined to be as obnoxious as possible because someone dared to ask her to back up her prejudices.

If you could just come up with a bit more substance instead of wittering about New Zealand, and answer the straight questions when put to you, you might be interesting., You seem to be capable of expressing your thoughts in an articulate manner in between the trolling and the racism.
Such a shame that you are determined to bring this debate down to a mud slinging match.
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