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Old 05-07-2006, 12:01 AM   #15
pseudointellectual antipodean omnivore
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 91
well, if you ever intended to debate, you sure abandoned it faster than a cheap whore abandons her underwear. Accusing me of being a hypocrite for having an opinion on a problem that doesn't exist in my current country of residence is gratuitously insulting. Yes I'm an immigrant, but I'll not tell you from where, because doubtless your bigotted attitude would have a snappy little dismissal for that too.
You won't argue the debate points as they arise, preferring to attack your opponent on the few fragments that you know of him. The term 'red herring' has been used as an out-clause to avoid the concept that it's not just illegals who evade taxes.The real red herring is trying to discount a participant's views by virtue of geography. If you want to debate some issues, I'd happily debate you, but looking through your post history, I don't think you are capable. Stay happy in your own twisted version of reality, and troll away as much as you like. I'll be reserving my further debate for the 3000 or so cellar members who are smarter than you. For someone who likes to wail about 'yank-bashing' you do nothing to enhance the world's view of your compatriots.Fortunately,I have spent enough time with Americans to know that you are the exception,rather than the norm.
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