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Old 05-04-2006, 12:32 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by sully58
I don't think that it should count, if you WANT it to count, then count it....but if not, don't worry about it. I'm sure some people would consider it countable...and some not...a matter of opinion.

So here's another question for the group...If someone should meet someone and they are honest with the other person about the past, and it just so happens that there ISN'T a clean bill of health, what would be your response to this person. Is there enough feelings toward that person to stay by them, or do you split? And they didn't get that "thing" from being promiscuous, but just past partners were never honest with them. Is this getting confusing yet?

I didn’t really think it counted, but I wanted to know other’s opinions on it too.

Hmmm… I think it really depends on the circumstances Sully. If the person is comfortable with it, then I think that they should stick around. Also, if you are being honest with them then they should stick around. My response would depend on several things. Like how long I knew them, what wasn’t clean about them, and if there was any way I could keep from getting it.

I think that if the person got it from a dishonest partner, it would make me more likely to be willing to do something with them. But the fear of catching it would still be there. There is a huge difference between being promiscuous and having dated a dishonest person.
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