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Old 05-03-2006, 08:44 PM   #10
The Sheriff of Nothingland
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Melbourne, Aus
Posts: 1,794
the one thing that gets me is how someone that cannot speak english still manages to put every comma and fullstop where it should be. chinese is very different from english, you cant understand one part of it completely and the other so badly. he also makes the common mistake that other people well versed in english make, he forgets to capitalise one of the "I"'s. someone that wanted there english to be good would not make a mistake like that at all as they would be thinking about it conciously. same with the new sentences after a fullstop, some having spacing some dont.
true or not im not sending any money. life sucks and theres so many more people in worse conditions than this kid. im not going to give them anything and im not going to give him anything.
something we both can enjoy??
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