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Old 04-30-2006, 01:01 AM   #30
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by marichiko
First of all, it doesn't matter if a substance is derived from a natural source or synthesized in the lab. Calcium is still calcium whether it comes from an oyster shell or a pharmaceutical company. If it wasn't, it would be called something else, not calcium Molecules don't care where they came from. They still follow the same laws of chemistry and physics, regardless.
That is not remotely accurate.
You cannot absorb pure, manufactured calcium without a plethora of other supplements and food to go with it, but eat a piece of spinach and you absorb an amazing percentage of the calcium contained there. Something science cannot begin to replicate.
Marinol makes 40% of the people who take it more nauseous, marijuana does not, and the list goes on.
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