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Old 04-29-2006, 04:20 PM   #64
Wiseacre Emeritus
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 35
Thanks marichico. Everything you say makes sense and i hope that science will keep looking for less and less toxic ways to target cells that divide and not entirely rule out nutritional factors as obviously these would be the least toxic of all.
Taking a look at Harold manner i notice that he himself did not subscribe to the Trophoblastic thesis of cancer saying that he felt it more complex than this, so not all Laetrille proponants agree on all aspects of metabolic therapy.
However they do all agree that diet plays a strong role in preventing cancer.
One thing though. About the trophoblastic thesis assuming that all cancers are the same, this is not quite true.
What it says is that all malignant cells within a tumour are the same which is not the same as saying all cancers are the same.
It says that it is the differing degree to which there are cancer cells to non cancer cells from tumour to tumour that accounts for the different types of cancer tumours.
Are there other differences that i should know about?
Anyway you have certainly convinced me that the therapy side of things is not so simple.
So what are your thoughts on prevention? I have to ask because obviously once therapy is over it cannot be used as prevention.
Do phsyicians give any kind of advice to patients as reguards lifestyle changes to avoid reoccurance ?

Last edited by rtexanssane; 04-29-2006 at 07:49 PM.
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