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Old 04-28-2006, 02:45 PM   #32
dar512 is now Pete Zicato
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Originally Posted by Flint
Good point, dar512. Hopefully they will be on the ball enough to understand the context of the situation they are in. My experience with children is that if you treat them like adults they will rise to that level, if you treat them like children they will stagnate there out of pure laziness, knowing that you don't expect them to display any more aptitude than that.
I've got a couple of thoughts here. It's not a matter of being aware of the context. I assume your kids will be smart enough to know when to cool it. But there are lots of times when you don't have time to think about the context and something is going to come out. If your kid hits his funny bone on the edge of a desk in first grade, he's not going to think, "Ooo, I'm in class now. No swear words here." He's going to say whatever he normally says in that situation.

I could be wrong, though. So I really am interested to see if you stick to this and how it goes once your kids start merging with society.

I do fully agree about treating one's kids with respect and high expectations. Actually, I think it applies to everyone you meet.
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-- Friedrich Schiller
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