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Old 04-26-2006, 11:00 AM   #179
The internet's like a bra, underneath ya find a boob or two
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Fl
Posts: 326
ON Jordans behalf, .... if he feels like an illicit lawful suite should be held by a tax paying citizen against the education system... Well he got a point.

Thank God, we paid our dues so this vile act could happen.

Of course this is hours later since my last post;
and I might have been dogged unmercifully henceforth; and not know what caddish restitution's might have befell me... (am too lazy to go past last two or three posts)

Like I tell the Jehovah Witnesses, when they saunter up to my front deck with my Beer and Bar B Que smoke-pit:
"Yeah, God is Good, God is Great,
... Now Get a Life and Integrate"

They never seem to share a beer with me, but they like my latest "the Inspirational Study Bible" (hardback) to ramble/argue about with,...

Almost as the Church of Christ do when I play Handles "Zadok the Priest' ... and ask for the great Church of Christ trombone or Organ composer that made the music they can't perform...

Mostly I love playing the Koran (and with each version followed by the English translation talking of gods love)

Funny, I haven't heard back from the Witnesses from 2005.

(sorry.... long tangent,... but it seems the most people with "Issues" are the ones who use "Profits of love" as their puppet masters
... Unfortunately,
it's not the Profits, but the Idiots with agendas, who are weak and need to suck profits under the guise of Ministers, Priests, and Laymen of having no real job in life, but to inflame.)

Kinda like politicians.

"7 years old"
almost too old to know that people can love people... Unless the big fucking deal is the teacher was reading a pornographic sexual description between two human beings...

Jesus loves the little children, all the children in the world, red and yellow black and white, they are precious in his site, jesus loves the little children of the world.

(the "world")
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