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Old 04-24-2006, 11:02 AM   #206
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Saw Elizabethtown over the weekend. It was your typical romance movie. Cute at times.

There were a couple totally impossible scenes/ideas that kind of bugged me. Like Kirsten Dunst made a "trip tic" of sorts with accompanying mix CDs timed to the mile so Orlando Bloom could do a road trip across half the country, riding back country roads and stopping to see the sights. It's a pretty cool idea. Her directions led him to particular places, and if he went the proper route at the proper speed, the mixed CDs were synced to his journey. She would also narrate some of the sights on the CDs she made. In reality, it would have taken her a week or two to create this multimedia realtime directions binder, especially to get the syncing right, but she somehow put it together in an evening.

Overall, it was an OK movie. If I had to give a thumbs up or thumbs down, it would get the thumbs up.
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