Thread: memento
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Old 04-21-2006, 05:07 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
That's the one about the guy who had like zero short term memory, right? And he wrote notes to himself on his body and he couldn't remember which room he was staying in or if he had paid for it or not?

Someone told me that I should see it right after I got CO poisoned and my short term memory was truly horrid. I couldn't remember the name of the film, and I discovered it by accident at the video store and rented it, and that's all I can remember of it.

I was soooo impressed with him writing the notes on himself! I used that same trick from that point on and wrote things I needed to remember on my palms.

Thank heavens I no longer have to do stuff like that - at least not so much.

I definately want to see the movie again now that I can remember it!
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