Thread: No-Name Thread
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Old 04-20-2006, 08:56 AM   #3
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Pittsburgh, Pa
Posts: 77
it's interesting that you post this now, because i have been thinking about just the same thing a lot recently.

i've always had this secret suspicion that everyone else has this "game plan" that they're following to the letter that will lead them to ultimate success and happiness. no one ever seemed to truly doubt where they were going/what they were doing, and everything seems like sunshine and blue birds for them. thinking like that has the effect of magnifying your own self doubt and robbing you of your confidence. i've always had this feeling like i've just now discovered a new "right" way to live and that i'm always catching up to the crowd.

i've been thinking about things like this more now that i've just gotten out of a long term relationship, probably because of all the self examination that ensues after something like that. oddly enough, despite going through the break up - or maybe because of it - it feels like i'm getting over this line of thinking for the first time in my life. having the benefit of great friends who have opened up to me and taught me to open up to them has shown me that everyone suffers from these fears, whether they want to show it or not. and NOT showing it is a killer, i think. suppression of it, and other emotions, leads to a lot of worse things.

i think that, when applied in a healthy measure, doubt is a good thing. it leads to further introspection and growth, and managing to overcome it and make a decision strengthens the spirit, regardless of the outcome. just my two cents.
Don't you worry about the day-glo orange life preserver, it won't save you. Swim for the shores just as fast as you're able.....
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