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Old 09-09-2002, 04:39 PM   #14
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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It's not brutality. It is an inappropriate use of force.

They ARE breaking the law; so do most vehicles on the road, in some way or another.

Regardless of the law, what makes us all get along is the unwritten codes and unspoken respect that we pay to each other.

If police enforced the actual law to the letter, we would all be screaming about the painful levels of enforcement we have to endure. What we tend to do instead is to give the cops a level of leeway: they're not the judge and jury, but they have a choice of various things to hook you on. they can decide to charge you or they can decide to look the otherway. They can hit you hard with the law, or they can warn you, or they can ignore you completely.

In response, cops should be looking to earn everyone's respect by managing that responsibility very carefully. "Yes, I know I'm the judge and jury sometimes. I promise never to use those powers inappropriately."

And they can't be selective at all, which is obviously what they were, if the law was not enforced at all for years and then suddenly enforced with arrests.
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