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Old 04-01-2006, 09:45 PM   #46
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 9
Steve: I'm a noob as well. I'm just saying that these people have continually tried to tell you that this is not just a message board to them. This is a 'community' to them. Like it or lump it--you won't change them. It's your job to figure out if this is your "thing" or not. I'm not an "accepted" member of this board, but because I have taken the time to read their thoughts over several months, I have an idea of what they expect. I'm not saying this is democratic--I'm saying that this is how the Cellar was designed to be and they are protecting the Cellar against garbage. The Internet is chock-full of forums wherein people cannot spell, write, etc. I think they have given you guys more than enough welcome. Stop trouncing it. Read what the people in your "new community" have to say!
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