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Old 03-29-2006, 02:33 PM   #36
conformity is deformity
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Florida
Posts: 104

Wow... First and foremost thanks to those of you cellarites that haven't lumped me into the carpetbombing category... :p

You might find this odd but I've had my bouts with both of these characters in the past myself... now that's not to say I was always in the right... but bouts we had none the less...

I can only speak for myself but when I came here I jumped right in... not taking the time to read through the back logs of information until I had already resistered and posted my first thread... theres probably a welcome new users thread somewhere here but didn't see it as I didn't know about the archive thread settings...

I've been to enough new schools and message boards to know how the "in crowd" treats n00bs to begin with... everyone feels each other out in different ways and such...

This whole episode reminds me of someone that got dressed up casually and went to a black tie affair back at the place they dined at previously casual atire was just fine... but failing to know or "call ahead" they showed up at the door in AG atire not realizing that people here expected a coat and tie...

Anyway... it seems this has been a great opportunity for the elite well dressed citizens of Cellar Nation to demand satisfaction and see to it that the bouncers do their jobs... it's all rather silly in the grand scheme of things...:p
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