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Old 03-28-2006, 11:50 AM   #11
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Dystopia
Posts: 13,136
Audio Galaxy is a defunct MP3 site, sued by the RIAA years ago. It was a file-trading model built on community-building though groups and message boards. After the music went away, the boards were still there. A group of nutjobs decided to stick around out of habit, this was like 5 years ago. Eventually the ability to verify new accounts went away, so the site was populated by permanent regulars. Functionality was incrimentally lost as the years went by, with no admin at the helm. Now, it may have gone kaput, although the owner (or someobody hacking his account) was seen there in recent weeks. He always asks "why are you still here? lol" . . . We were still there because the board was completely un-moderated.
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