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Old 03-18-2006, 12:30 AM   #15
Urbane Guerrilla
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Join Date: Jul 2002
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Originally Posted by richlevy
Supported Contra insurgents in Nicaragua.
Helped overthrow elected prime minister of Iran in 1953-54.
Provided aid to Pinochet after his coup of elected Chilean government.
And none of these are examples of making us trouble.

The Contra insurgency was laudable, and nothing but: it was a rebellion against a stupid, blundering, incompetent Marxist regime -- just exactly the kind of thing free, adult humans should do. The only Americans discomfited by the Contras were those Americans incompetent enough at life, economics, and human thought in general to be themselves Marxists. I include all the members of Congress who voted against Contra aid among the roll of the dummies. John Kerry opposed Contra aid -- which means the man voted in the interests of Marxist dictators.

I never vote for traitor sons of bitches like that.

I've met a determined Marxist or two (along with one ivory-tower pacifist who liked Marx's earlier ideas, but Marx loses her on his later stuff), but I can't call them bright or wise.

The people who attack America and Americans come from non-democracies, Rich. Do you get it now? That was my point -- not the things you mentioned.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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