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Old 03-17-2006, 07:57 PM   #393
King Of Wishful Thinking
Join Date: Jan 2001
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Yesterday I finished Kildar by John Ringo. I liked his alien invasion series, so when I saw this and read the sample chapters, I picked it up from the library.

It's not a bad book, but it is essentially a soldier's wet dream. The basic plot goes like this.

Ex-Seal who retires a multi-millionaire is cruising through Eastern Europe and comes upon a valley with gorgeous women and great beer. He buys some real estate and becomes the de jure lord of the valley.

While fighting Chechen rebels, he rescues teenage virgins from kidnappers. Since by local custom they cannot be returned to their homes, he takes them as concubines, in addition to the gorgeous local prostitutes he has hired and the 15-year-old girl who is actively trying to seduce him.

Parts of this book read like a Penthouse forum, with blow by blow (literally) descriptions of sex and light bondage. "Dear Penthouse, I never would have guessed when I went driving through Georgia (the country not the state) that I would have a story for you."

This is the second of a series. I never read the first book. The tactical descriptions seem authentic, but the overall plot seems too contrived.
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