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Old 03-15-2006, 07:33 PM   #77
Stress Puppy
Elite Elitist
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Fresno, CA
Posts: 359
Originally Posted by mrnoodle
There's a difference between just cussing and going out of your way to be as blasphemous as possible. Take God out of the equation. If I say to you,

"Fuck off, you lowlife cunt"

that's insulting. But if I say,

"Your dead two-year old sucks your dead father's cock in hell"

I've made it personal. I'm not just cussing, I'm trying to be as horrible as possible. Blasphemy is not just "taking God's name in vain". It's deliberately trying to sully the name and image of something sacred. Goddammit does not equal "Jesus *$% Christ".

I realize that it looks like I'm overreacting -- but is that because I'm so stodgy, or is it because society as a whole has given up on having any kind of decency? I've got my share of bad habits and dirty little secrets -- just because I think deliberate blasphemy is bad doesn't make me some kind of morality cop.

If you said that my two year old sucks my dead father's cock in hell, I would very literally laugh in your face. I'm giggling now just thinking about someone actually saying that. Scratch that, the more I think about it, I'm gaffawing.

Out of all the people I know, I am one of the most 'decent.' I open doors for people, I let people merge, I help whenever and however is reasonable, and go out of my way to be nice to strangers. That said, 'Jesus Fucking Christ' is the first thing that comes out when I get really frustrated. Close second is "Mother fucker" and close third is "Fucker." Other favorites include "Jesus Titty Fucking Christ" when I'm feeling silly, and "Jumping Jesus on a Fucking Pogo Stick," when I'm feeling verbose.
~Stress Puppy~
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
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