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Old 03-12-2006, 03:18 AM   #1
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
The Best Attitude Under BAD Circumstances

(I put this here under the "schools of thought", not the religious type of philosophy )

There are a lot of people that I meet from one job to another to the next company to the next state to the next country, etc.

One of the best attitudes that I've seen recently is a man that worked in the same office space as me this last contract. He's been through a lot, suffered disappointments, been through the unplanned and unpleasant stresses of life many times in the last few years and he just laughs it away.

Truly a life skill these days.

He's about 40, backgound in programming (bachelor of CS I believe) which he was employed as a programmer when the jobs just evaporated here and went to India. Then having no real experience, changed fields to mechanical design and was just getting to the point of making good money when THOSE jobs started going to India.

He's lost a lot of time and money to India, but he's absolutely unphased by both instances.

He's always cracking jokes and doing something funny, despite the circumstances at the moment, although is respected for his abilities at the job. He's not a clown at work, just funny.

I asked him one time where he would go if he had the chance to go anywhere in the world, time and money being no object.

His reply was that he'd go to India to look for the jobs that he lost, but was quite funny about it.

"There are things in this life you can change and those you cannot. I just dont get excited about those that I cant change"

Despite the problems and the discomfort of his personal situation, he been in good spirits the entire time that I've know him.

So here's the question.

Who comes to your mind when you think of someone having a good attitude under BAD circumstances. Is that you? Someone that you know? Someone famous? What are their BAD circumstances and how did they cope with that particular situation? What would you credit their attitude to?

Tell me a tale of harship and keeping one's perspective and sense of humor.
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