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Old 08-29-2002, 09:21 AM   #46
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 15
Because of legalities of because its mindnumbingly stupid? I woudl have thought since you're so worked up about schoolyard fights in the 60's you see why it was not such a wise idea.

Jag, you are missing the entire point. It isn't about kids carrying guns, it's about kids being taught responsibility and how to make wise decisions. The modern education system seeks to shelter children to the point of suffocation and so it falls to the parents for their complete upbringing. Unfortunately, most parents rely on the Federal Daycare System (read: public education) to do their job of raising those children. Hmmm.

The only role models most kids have is whoever is playing in the CD player. Great, now we have Ludicras (or whatever he calls himself) and various other artists teaching our kids what is right and wrong. So why are we suprised when we have incidents like Columbine?

It's a vicious f'in cycle where everyone blames someone else and the only people getting hurt are the kids.
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