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Old 03-04-2006, 08:32 PM   #14
To shreds, you say?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: in the house and on the street-how many, many feet we meet!
Posts: 18,449
Wow, a motherlode to mine here.
"Well you better" Better what? Better get a bucket, because I'm gonna vomit?

I will tell you a charming anticdoteŽ about my MIL:
SWMBO and I were over at MIL's house for dinner. I sit down and MIL brings out salads on plates (this is suspect already, because her usual salad M.O. is a big bowl, which I turned for her on the lathe incidentally) She sets the plates down at her place and SWMBO's place. MIL goes back into kitchen to get 3rd salad.

I notice a rather nice salad: black olives, leaf lettuce, capers, radicchio, grated carrots, sunflower seeds, etc. you get eh picture.

MIL returns with third salad and puts it down at my place: a bowl of shredded cabbage heart and some grated carrot.


She says "I didn't have enough for a whole salad, and I knew you were trying to lose weight" (I was 6'-0" and 200#, not Kate Moss, but not fatty arbuckle either, and BTW I was neither trying to, nor considering, losing weight)

This woman is also so "lookist" she once qualified a story with the following "He was really fat, but a very nice person..."

I pointed this statement out to SWMBO and she didn't see what was wrong with it until i changed it to "He was blacker than the ace of spades, but was a very nice person"

Then she got it.

However, she still tries to defend her mother's salad strategy. This is 8 years later.

Leopards don't change their spots. (I think I said that somewhere before)

Also, since you are new here, and we welcome your fresh presence, I''l save you a post; SWMBO stands for "she who must be obeyed" = my wife. Or in your case, that would be YOU and your husband ought to be doing the OBEYING.

You can always bring it right down to the first chakra, look him in the eye and ask clamly and simply:
"Do you think pussy grows on trees?"

Only don't be bluffing.
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs
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