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Old 02-26-2006, 10:34 AM   #177
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by Elspode
And, in today's tragic twofer, Darren McGavin has passed at 83. Quirky, distinctive, and absolutely perfect as the father in A Christmas Story, which I had *just* finished labelling ten minutes before I saw the news item come across.

The Night Stalker has joined the denizens of the midnight streets.
Shit. I loved him in 'Kolchak: The Night Stalker'. It was one of the best horror shows ever put on television. It seems that Mr. McGavin held the show together. Unfortunately, the show was ahead of it's time.

I don't remember many leading roles after that, but he was a great character actor who could deliver a pithy line at the right moment.

Darren McGavin is often incorrectly considered to be, and listed in many official references guides, as the show's Executive Producer. In fact, he never held the position, although he unofficially assumed many of the duties. This put him at odds with Paul Playdon and then Cy Chermak, the official producers appointed by Universal.
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