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Old 02-22-2006, 04:07 AM   #170
The future is unwritten
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Mari, the thing I was pointing out is there has not been an across the board ban on depicting Muhammad. It’s interpreted by some clerics as a graven image but historically not a consensus.

Once again I’ll remind people these cartoons were not made for entertaining anyone.
1- The publisher wrote a book on the life of Muhammad or the Islamic roots or something.
2- He had trouble finding someone to illustrate the book.
3- He chided the community of illustrators for there lack of balls.
4- These cartoons were their response to HIM for his chiding.
5- He published them in his newspaper as part of an article on the trouble he’d had finding an illustrator and the growing fear of radical Islamics.
6- The cartoons were never meant to be stand alone political cartoons.

Dov, you’re right. The Jews have always had a self deprecating humor that makes it difficult for an outsider to top. My experience is the younger generations tend to bristle more when it comes from outside the Jewish community but this may be an American thing.
I agree the idea to beat the Arabs to the punch, is genius.

As for you getting your panties in a bunch, the pictures you find engaging, I find disgusting. That’s what freedom is about. I’m not going to burn anything down or riot in the streets nor will I stifle my opinion.
I know you’re not suggesting I do, I’m saying when you put up things like that you’re going to annoy some people and should expect them to show it. You were trying to provoke a response and you did, it just came in an unexpected form.

Your posts from the get-go have been geared to provoke rather than engage which is not the way to win friends an influence people. You claim not to want to win friends....fine, but I’ll bet you wish to influence people.
If you feel the backlash to your post is over the top, stop and look at your history here.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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