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Old 02-18-2006, 03:53 PM   #9
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Originally Posted by Jebediah
A sucks so I'm going to ignore everything bad B does because I don't agree with A at all. The real question to me is where are C and D and E and F and G? Oh yeah, we don't give those groups equal footing in American politics. Witness how fanatacism starts.
I was discussing Doonesbury recently with a very Fox-news friendly associate. He told me he doesn't read Doonesbury because of his anti-Bush bias. When I told him that Doonesbury wasn't saying anything about Bush lately but that a character did just come back from Iraq and was recovering from being wounded, he told me that printing that comic was unpatriotic.

Realistically showing the cost and sacrifice of war is unpatriotic?

All Quiet on the Western Front, The Best Years of Our Lives, and any number of movies have been through this. Some movies are anti-war, some like The Green Berets are staunchly anti-pacifist if not pro-war. None of them pull any punches about the true cost of war. The stated purpose of all US wars is to protect the Constitution and a free and open society. A real discussion about the costs of any conflict are necessary and a real test to find if the Constitution is in danger from forces from within.

BTW, while moving through LAX last night, my more right wing coworkers were confronted with their first celebrity sighting, Ed Asner. Being near an approachable celebrity who was definitely left wing posed a moral dilemma for them. I moved on to my gate but one of the guys I worked with actually struck up a conversation with him. I was asked why I didn't go and talk to Mr. Asner since he was a 'fellow traveller'. Someone mentioned that he supported Mumia, which I don't know anything about. It is funny how people react to celebrities and how people will give them more leeway when it comes to politics.
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Last edited by richlevy; 02-18-2006 at 04:43 PM.
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