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Old 02-11-2006, 08:59 PM   #10
Goon Squad Leader
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Having said all that...

I still know squat about Linux. I see the desktop (KDE) and numerous applications, but I don't have anything like a set of exercises for the actual OS to do or practice on.

I imagine I feel like some of the people I've helped whose problem was answerable with a command issued at the OS level. They're baffled--what was that you did? Of course, in the normal course of events they never suspect the OS exists. It's all email or Office or the Internet or whatever. Obviously you and I know better, but I don't know where to start...

I'll open the floor to suggestions now, and start with some of my own.

What about user accounts? Creation and maintenance of? Directories and files? Security?

Simple apps that an admin would use? Like editors, or AD maintenance tools?

Ok, that's what I'm looking for to start learning about. I've read the command reference (some), I feel like I'm missing something...
Be Just and Fear Not.
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