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Old 02-06-2006, 11:49 PM   #1
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As I recall, the final report of Ken Starr and the OIC, after a four year, $40+ million investigation, found no evidence of wrongdoing by either of the Clintons in any of the areas investigated other than lying to the grand jury about his horny escape (which was certainly an indictable offense, but hardly reaching the level of impeachment). The investigation included Whitewater, the FBI filegate and the White House travelgate, fund-raising (Lincoln Bedroom) and whatever else Starr could fish for.

So....UG....where's the beef?

As to the books you cite, I am familiar with Peggy Noonan's "The Case Against Hillary Clinton" where Noonan states right from the start her motives were not to create an unbiased objective report on Hillary. She admits in various sections that the "evidence" she cites is based on "conversations" that she (Noonan) speculates may have or would have taken place.

It was a laughable read. I havent read the others, but I suspect much of the same.
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