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Old 08-17-2002, 03:21 PM   #18
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Jeffersonville, IN (near Louisville)
Posts: 892
The stock market bubble popping and all of the sleazy accounting practices that go along with it hardly has anything to do with the liberal-market argument. The people who took advantage of individual investors during the "bubble" would have done so regardless of how much tax they're paying.

True, they both deal with "letting rich people deal with the economy", and it's a very good example of why we need some regulation with strict consequences for people who try to take advantage of the system. But I've said all along that controls are necessary to prevent abuses.

I'm all for making sure people pay their fair share of taxes, and I see no problem with a progressive tax structure. But a common argument one hears during these sorts of debates is "if someone is making $100 million a year, what's wrong with taking half of it in income tax? By the time you have that much money, you're not going to miss it anyway."

<I>That's</I> the mentality that I have real issues with. We have no right to determine what amount of money someone "needs".
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