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Old 02-01-2006, 07:20 AM   #73
Major Inhabitant
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Silver Spring MD
Posts: 128
This is why I have nothing but contempt for Muslim societies. It is easy to say something like "it's just their culture", but a culture can change.

Back during the period of the civil rights struggles in this country, whenever I said something bad, but true, about the white trash society and government in the South, somebody would say "It's not their fault. They were just raised that way."

But people can change. Besides, it is not as if there were no mention of any alternatives. In the South, there were people working for civil rights. The alternative was there, so the choice could be made.

The same is true of Muslim societies. They know that they treat women differently from most of the rest of the world. The alternative is there.

My son installs dish antennas. When he is called to a Muslim house, he is often not allowed even to speak to the wife. Not even to ask if the picture is clear. The husband will get angry if he asks that question.

And this is in this country, where alternatives are obvious.

Of course, some Muslim women, such as those that work with my wife, are emancipated. But not with any help from that religion. In fact, they are not practicing Muslims at all.
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