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Old 01-25-2006, 05:56 AM   #1
Pump my ride!
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Deep countryside of Surrey , England
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What? No whale up the Thames thread?

Well not that I've seen, anyway, but have been absent a few days (sorry, wifely pressures to attend to at least some of the things on her infinitely expanding list of 'jobs to do').

So, hope you know about the way London came to a halt over the weekend with a bottle-nosed whale swimming mistakenly up the Thames some remarkable distance and then sadly the recue attempt that failed (but gave London parking attendants the chance to book all the cars of those that were trying to do the rescuing - have to get our priorities right over here)

Sad though it was, it did hog the headlines disproportionately, and as might have been expected finally spawned this circular via email...
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