Thread: "Honor" Rapes
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Old 01-14-2006, 08:57 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
Well, I will say that our culture is more "right" in its treatment of women, and I knew that before W. ever got to be president and announce the word of god to the rest of us.

Up to 300 or so years ago, Western culture deemed it "right" to label some people (often women) witches and burn them at the stake. A mere 60 or so years ago, a significant portion of the German people either considered it "right" (or turned their heads the other way) to send Jews off to the crematorium.

As an aside: My parents met and married in Germany several years after WWII. I came across their marriage licence while going through some old papers the other day. I was interested to note that even 6 years after the war had ended and Germany was still pretty much occupied by the US, the German civil form for a marriage licence had remained unchanged since 1937. There was a space where the faith of each person had to be typed in, so it reads:

Marichiko's Dad - Evangelical; Marichiko's Mom - Catholic

A small reminder of a time when a person's faith was, indeed, a matter of life or death. I'd love to know what my Dad said to the German official who issued that document. He must have been having fun with the guy, because my Dad was ANYTHING but an "Evangelical" Christian!

But I digress. The point I was trying to make is that we often translate the word of the society which prevails at the time into the word of God. There IS a difference, but many people, ESPECIALLY fundamentalists, don't pick up on this minor point.

It must annoy God no end.
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