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Old 01-04-2006, 09:59 PM   #15
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Houston TX
Posts: 1,857
Originally Posted by Izanagi
The Japanese do however kill thousands of dolphins every year.
Yea and we probably consume more tuna in our sushi shops and grocery stores nationwide then anywhere else in the world. Not to mention for the last 50 or so years we put a heck of a lot of Mr. Charlie Tuna into cans for human and feline consumption as well as various forms of other animal feeds.

I think we should all stop worrying so much about countries like Japan and Norway or Greenland and their whaling fleets, ever wonder when you order Chilean Sea Bass at that favorite place if their fish was caught legally or by poachers exceeding any limits? Practice what you preach and don't postulate.

Some day it will be just like Solent Green, so many humans to dispose of, perhaps we will just consume the biproducts...
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