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Old 12-29-2005, 05:49 PM   #9
Posts: n/a
OK. Here's Marichiko's trans-Siberia, multicultural, just in time for New Year's Eve advise:

1) If you are a social drinker, don't bother with the following. Look up a recipe for those cute, deadly-poison-if-not-done-just-right Japanese fish thingies, instead.
2) Line up your designated driver, NOW! Either that or stash your taxi money in a safe place where you can find it - even when you're 16 sheets to the wind.
3) Unless you want to pass out before the NewYear ever arrives, forget about the, "But I'll get higher on an empty stomach" thought. Sure, you'll get drunker quicker. You'll also pass out quicker. The name of the game is staying on your feet until 0ne second after the New Year, right?
4) The raw egg and/or oil secret is great to use both before and after imbibing. Drink lots of liquids, also. Orange juice or plain water are excellent beverages. Avoid carbonated stuff. Ketones are what help give you that rotten hang-over the next day. Avoid sweet liquores and most wines - they all have a high ketone content. The purer the spirit, the better. The Danes drink something called Aquavit which is like 200 proof potato peels or something. Don't quote me on the aquavit. I just know that its very potent. The Danes keep the stuff in the freezer and gulp down a shot along with a bite of pickled herring on a cracker. It seems to work for them.

End of my expertise in the strong spirits dept.
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