Thread: So, Whadja Get?
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Old 12-29-2005, 07:46 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 3
From my girlfriend I got a machete knife, tanto tipped, looks more like a combat knife. Kicks some ass.

I also got a nifty knife from my uncle in Costa Rica. He's out on a Christian Missionary giving presents to the poor people down there. So nice.

I finally got a DDR pad, how I adore that game. Bought myself some new cloths, two pairs of pants, some boots, and and a kilt.

A book I still fantasize about reading but always forget to start.

DVDs: Fight Club, Donnie Darko, Underworld, some weird canadian movie, The Matirx, Blade 1&2, and The Island.

A nice raincoat

A 120 gig external hard drive [insert glee] that has now proven obsolete for it's previous intentions, but still nice to have.

And a camera. I like to photograph things I see. I always see picture-esque scenes, but never have a camera. Once, on a nearly full moon day, walking home, I noticed two hawks circling around the moon. It was perfect for my location, and their realitive choice to circle at that moment, but still really awesome. Some sunsets, a couple landscapes, uh, back to topic.

That's about it. I had splurged and bought myself a punch sword and a tacticle thigh-strap knife before christmas.
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