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Old 08-02-2002, 05:54 PM   #29
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally posted by Bigsarge
I honestly do not believe that anyone would be stupid enough to try that now. I think that the police would look the other way if anything happened. Merely my opinion.
This (burning the flag) is along the lines of the whole pledge deal from a few months back. People were outraged that the 9th Circuit ruled as they unpatriotic that asshole atheist was to file a lawsuit! How unamerican!!!

I think all those people that savaged that man and the 9th Circuit are the true unpatriotic bastards. As would be anyone who physically attempts to stop someone from burning a flag. No one has to like it. In fact, rather than risk assault, why not form your own protest? Grab the biggest stars and stripes you can find, wave it with pride, and lead a group of 100 people in "God Bless America."

I think it's incredibly important right now that we be vigilant about protecting our freedoms, be it guns, travel, speech, burning flags, etc. Those people who fight for such things are the true red white and blue americans.
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