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Old 12-10-2005, 08:50 PM   #111
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Ever been outside the US and not speak the native language....and realize you probably should before you go out like you belong there?

I have now.

This is the line at the MRT, light rail, in what I can only assume was some type of spot check for terrorists.

We all know how many Americans like to blow things up....but not with little body bombs. Not our style.

So the line that normally moves quickly is now slowed down to a crawl because of a (outter) body and bag search in which there is only one officer conducting the searches.

The Filipinos were all pretty patient about the whole thing but let me tell you, I'd have taken a freakin' cab if I knew the line would be moving that slow and to take another 45 minutes.
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