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Old 12-07-2005, 08:07 AM   #1
St Petersburg, Florida
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3,423
Originally Posted by Elspode
My hectic life pace lately has caused me to overlook the hottest thread on The Cellar until lunch today.'re a wild man. Great pics, and I hope you'll do us all the honor of stashing them somewhere online en masse so we can mull them over.

When are you coming back? Or *are* you coming back? How many of your camera recipients have you met face to face by now? Is the exchange rate as good as it is for everything else? Not that you'd have availed yourself of one or more, of course, but I figure you'd find out just to add to the big sociological picture.
Thanks for the compliment Ep.

There are somewhere around 1500 photos of various places of interest (or non-interest) on her home machine now. About half are not clear or not centered etc and arent much to look at. The remaining, along with the MPEGs of street scenes and the TV programs here are cool to see and will be available somewhere when I get back.

It has been my goal to capture as much of the Philippine people doing all those same things we see and do at home. These activities range from going into market for food to seeing what the hospitals here look like.

I'm doing a study of how things are different and the same here in all aspects of life for a variety of people. A large part of the exercise is to show people in the US how things work here now and to show our common ground.

Once they are all catagorized as needed cellarites will have full access to the collection.

The official exchange rate is 54.something to one dollar. In Pembo just yesterday I changed some dollars into pesos and got the rate of 53/$1.

Now that I'm out of the city there are no prostitutes around. I dont have any idea how much they cost but could find out. If I can find a rate without getting into a hassle, I will.

They are drop dead gorgeous but I'm not here for that sort of fun. Many that I have seen would easily fit into a men's mag.

Some of them are aggressive and I've had to forcefully remove them from my path/ romove their hands from me.

A few have been polite at my reply of "you're very nice looking but no thank you, I'm not here for that" and quietly disappeared.

This is the first of my net pals that I have met face to face. This is the only woman that I've sent a camera out to and would expect to meet more in the future as the rest are western wise young men looking for honest friendship/opportunity.

I will return to the US and start working again once the military budget for fighter jet development rolls into the next fiscal year.
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