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Old 11-23-2005, 01:24 PM   #12
lobber of scimitars
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Originally Posted by Brianna

I read that right after Salinger's RAISE HIGH THE ROOFBEAMS, and, CATCHER IN THE RYE .

ZOOEY AND FRANNY, or something or other, very good book.

Lotsa luck, girlfriend. I sincerely hope you can e'slpain it to me. Meaning any of the Salinger books. I 'know', but I'm afraid that I don't really "know"..---ya know?
Nope. It's a translation of some Russian Mystic Shit.

I have never actually read any Salinger. I somehow avoided that class in high school where you have to read The Catcher in the Rye.

Yes, I can see that you are surprised.

Would it reassure you any if I told you I have at least three copies of The Turner Diaries, as well as two other books from the same author?
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