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Old 11-15-2005, 03:19 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Griff
C'mon guys, seriously what's the worst thing that could happen?
Ummm... Something like AID's? Ever read And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts? Lack of effective public health response allowed Aids to spread quickly through the gay community in this country and from there, infiltrate the heterosexual one, as well.

Everyone, self included, kind of jokes about the bird flu, but a flu pandemic killed literally millions right after the First World War.

How about the resurgence of TB? We never did figure out a really effective cure for it and the bacillus responsible is still alive and thriving in TB infected people everywhere.

How about a biological warfare 9/11 style attack? I don't know about your town, but in mine, its pathetically easy to take a stroll up to the local water supply and drop a few test tubes of whatever into it.

Modern medicine has made it so that we don't worry about infectous diseases as we once did. When's the last time you saw a lawyer practicing modern medicine?

W. doesn't care. He will be shielded from anything that might come down and to hell with the rest of us.
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