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Old 11-11-2005, 12:30 AM   #14
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
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Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla
Tw, you clearly are not the man who could win the war.

You do not know how to break the will of an anti-American bigot -- or if you do know how, you're unwilling to do it. Yet, breaking their will is what is required. Let us break it so it stays forever broken.
My Dear Urbane Guerilla. You preach what we brainwash lowly enlisted men who will never be officer material. Meanwhile, maybe you should start by reading the basics. Sze Tzu makes important comments about always leaving your enemy a way out. One defeats an enemy - not massacre him. But that concept has always been considered too complex for some enlisted men to understand. Nations always need some cannon fodder. Why confuse the lower enlisted men with things they will never understand anyway.

Urbane Guerilla - why do you make it so easy to pick on you? Maybe the answer is found in how you rewrite history when it is convenient - or is that an old wound better forgotten?
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