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Old 11-09-2005, 10:22 PM   #13
Simulated Simulacrum
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 39
Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
I don't understand why they didn't let the Turkish Cypriots move in since it's on their side of the line?. Fear of the Greek Cypriots getting pissed?

I did a peacekeeping tour in Cyprus. Places like this, and along the DMZ line between the two sides of Cyprus, were stuffed full of bobby traps so that when the "vermin" (what most of the Turk officer's called the Greek's) came back, some of them would be wiped out by the bobby traps. Nobody at the time seemed to think of fact that "they" might want to actually use these places someday.

We caught one Turkish "civilian" planting Teddy Bears rigged with incendiary grenades, AN-M14's. A nasty bit of work, filled with thermite's to get you burning, and nitrates to keep you burning... even total submergence in water won't put these fucking things out. Teddy Bear folks... think about who this waste of DNA was targeting.

Oh, btw, I completely agree with the sentiment about Turks being fuckers.
Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't tell where it keeps its brain. Arthur Weasley
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