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Old 11-08-2005, 05:24 PM   #6
Read? I only know how to write.
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Once upon a time, the United States was a land principled in Human Rights, the thoughtful incite of our forefathers, and basic Constitutional guarantees. Now that leaders elected by religious extremists use bibles to justify a Spanish Inquistition overseas, one would think our Congressman would demand these illegal and immoral activities be stopped. NO. Instead we must blame the messenger. From the Washington Post of 8 Nov 2005
Top Republican Leaders Demand Probe Into Prison Leak
A newspaper report that the Central Intelligence Agency had set up secret American prisons in Europe for the interrogation of terrorism suspects drew calls today for investigations into who leaked that information.

... on Capitol Hill, Republican Congressional leaders called for lawmakers to investigate the affair.

Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee, the Senate majority leader, and Speaker J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois wrote in a letter to intelligence committee chairmen that leaking such information "could have long-term and far-reaching damaging and dangerous consequences" for the security of the United States.

The letter, to Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas, and his House counterpart, Representative Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, both Republicans, complained that the leaking of classified information by government employees appeared to have increased, "establishing a dangerous trend that, if not addressed swiftly and firmly, likely will worsen."
Funny what happens when the devil runs the US government. Patriots must leak the truth in dark garages. Is George Jr really nothing more than the ghost of Richard Nixon? If so, then how will he top, "I am not a crook". Even Richard Nixon did not lie about torture.

Decent people would rise up to ask, "Why are Senators not investigating themslves for condoning such autrocities?" Oh. It means they must be honest rather than religious extremist. After all, nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition. So let's blame the honest messenger instead. Clearly god told George Jr that torture outside United Stated borders is Constitutional.

Note a trend. The president of the US is acting more like Pinochet, Milosevic, and Saddam with every year. Did they have god on their side?

Then this gem at the bottom:
Controversy over the overseas prison network coincides with a debate on Capitol Hill over a measure, sponsored by Senator John S. McCain, Republican of Arizona, that would prohibit cruel and degrading treatment of terrorism suspects.

The administration has complained that the bill is unwise and unnecessary because, as Mr. Bush put it in Panama City, "We do not torture."
And nobody expected the levees to be breached. I guess George Jr white lies are acceptable to god.

To think the Norwegian foreign minister so many years ago warned us that this president would only destroy the Oslo Accords.
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