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Old 11-08-2005, 03:48 PM   #43
Unintentionally Blank
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 27
Originally Posted by LynnM
He's gorgeous. And I'm very glad to know he's happy. My first companion animal was a parakeet and we were very bonded, so I know this is possible. Tommy had a cage but was also given the freedom of the house. Does your bird have the opportunity to fly? And what's his name?
That's Iian. He lost flight priveleges as a young pup when he got spooked and flew off our back porch and into the neighbor's back yard (usually populated by big happy goofy wouldn't have ended well). Now he gets clipped at the first hint of sustained lift.

From a poop perspective: When taking him out of the cage, you MUST put him on the perch and give the 'go poop' command. (He's shortened it to 'gope') Otherwise at some point between the cage and a 25 foot radius, he'll lay a bomb that'll greatly decrease his weight.

He's also successfully living with 2.5 year old twin boys, so there's ANOTHER myth I can dispell. We only had one real incident with one of the boys when he was about 18 months old. After that, the kids believed me when I told them to leave Iian alone.
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