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Old 06-21-2001, 03:10 AM   #3
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Re: Economic downturn in the "Last Mile"

Originally posted by Dagnabit
As far as GM foods go, put me in with the heretics. It's an ecological fuck-over.
We do know that if food production productivity increases only come from using current genetically engineering technologies of the past 40 years, then many world countries will return to severe food shortages. Yes GM foods have really been with us for most of the 1900s.

One genetic engineering method was called hybrid. Buty many foods are full of chemical designed just to kill. Why does your bread not turn moldy within two days? Preservatives. Why are all those dead insects in your cereal grains? Phosgene gas, extremely dangerous, saturates food during bulk delivery.

To think that a chemical that resists certain insects would automatically poison humans is rediculous. If true, then we would be dead long ago from the hybrids of oranges and apples - not to mention the protective chemicals sprayed on their skins.

I once read an article in the Daily News. Then read about the same thing in the Inky. Having read the Inky, I then realized how little I understood from the Daily News. The result was a complete reversal of opinion.

That is the story with GM foods. So much half truths is created because the information disseminated is Daily News quality. GM foods have dangers - as does electricity. If we ban GM foods, then we should have also banned electricity in the 1910s. Welcome to the real world. All innovation involves risk. But most of the worry over GM foods sound just like an H G Wells radio reports in "War of the Worlds". Somehow people seem to have trouble differentiating reality from fiction when talking about GM foods.

Hell. Where are those Martians who were going to destroy humanity. They should have existed. Just look in any telescope to see the canals.
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