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Old 11-05-2005, 09:15 PM   #17
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Brianna
I married a drug/alcohol counselor.

I believe I win this round.
Only if he was an addict, as well.

Here's a really stupid thing I did today. (I wonder if I'll get arrested? )

Remember how I posted that I figured the ax murderer did away with my kitty, Traveler? OK, you all don't remember, but that's the context for the following:

I had put up "lost cat" fliers around town, but two days ago we had a horrific wind storm which blew all my fliers away. The wind also caused 2 hour power outages in my town, snapped the branches off trees and caused the wood slats on my front deck railing to blow off and land in the neighbor's yard three houses down. But that stuff is not important. My fliers were all gone!

At this point, I don't expect to ever see Traveler again. People have tried to be helpful and I got a number of calls from folks who thought they found him but hadn't. People even come up to me on the street and ask about him. Well, the ax murderer got him.

Still, I decided to post the fliers one last time as a sort of ritual in Traveler's memory. He was a very cool kitty and I miss him alot.

I went around with my staple gun and my fliers and I posted a flyer in front of the post office and then went in to check my mail. Well, as fate would have it, the ax murder's PO Box is in the row right above mine. When I walked in this afternoon, the postal workers had gone home for the day and no one else was in the post office. I had my handy staple gun in my hip pocket, and I whipped it out and pretended to be Annie Oakley and shot at the ax murderer's box.

Well, damned if I didn't score a direct bull's eye! The staple went right into the key hole of his box. Now, I am not a good shot and the odds of this happening must have been a zillion to one.

I stood there for a moment dazzled by my excellent shooting skills until I realized its probably a Federal crime to tamper with someone's post office box. So I went over and tried to pry the staple out. It was in there good! I tugged at it and it finally snapped off with part of the staple still in the key hole.

The ax murderer is not going to be able to open his box on Monday, and I will be the prime suspect. This wouldn't bother me but for the fact that the post office might have one of those closed circuit cameras like ATM's do and what if my Calamity Jane stunt got caught on video?

So I'm wondering. Should I go turn myself in on Monday and hope that my co-operation will put the postal service in a forgiving frame of mind or should I say nothing and wait to see if anyone comes after me?

What a dumb stunt!
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