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Old 11-05-2005, 12:36 AM   #13
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Arkansas
Posts: 7,661
Ok stupid things , i can think of MORE that i care to rember !!!
But on that comes to mind ,
I was in a new steel mill a few years back as it was being built , i was settign up this BIG ASS scale , i had to set the structure , then go back and forth from the instrumentation to the structure , about 5 floors of steps , i had the quickest rout picked out , i was happly running up and down the steps , back and forth ,
well for some reason they had blocked off one of the flights of steps so I had to re-rout , no big , there was about 4-5 different sets of steps , i was running down the steps ,
1 flight , turn the corner
2nd flight , turn the corner
3rd flight , turn the corner ( i think to my self "self ,this will work!!! , hell its going to put you closes to where you need to be any way " !!!!!)
4th flight , turn the corner
5th flight , about 2 steps down the 5th flight the staris abruptly ended ,
no saftey tape or barriers ,
as i said i was running the stairs ,
so I found my self hanging in mid air ( a Verry Wily Cayote type moment ) ,
it seemed like a long time that i hung there , such a nice view from that perspective !!!
befor i fell about 20 feet onto a pile of rocks and sand !!!

No bad owies from this , a few guys i knew ran over to see if i was ok ,
then laughed in my face , hell i even had to laugh as i limped away
"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. "
Brother Dave Gardner
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