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Old 11-03-2005, 09:41 AM   #71
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 8
i will never boycott liberalism, and i agree with everything michael moore says. america is full of brainwashed, half retarded robots. you dumbasses just cant face facts. this evil, disgusting country, the usa, is gonna go down. i do not support our troops, and i do not support america, cuz most of america is to fucking stupid to form their own opinion, or to glance away from britany spears or american idol long enough to know how bush and this sick ass government is controlling us and draining us for our money. we are slaves to the rich here in america. if you dont have money in this superficial, materialistic, contradictory hypocritical fake ass country, you're not considered a human. everyone who works for or supports the united states WILL go to hell. this country is the best example of evil you can get. fuck america. bush planned the 9/11 catastrophy to have an excuse to move his robot pawns, the military, bomb iraq, take it over, and steal all of iraq's oil. finishing his daddy's business. doing the illuminati's biddings. this whole country is fake, and it is a good example of a new rome, cuz this weak ass, evil, corrupt country of the unfree will fall and collapse. 2 examples of how stupid and brainwashed americans are: the new saying here in this pathetic land of the weak and brainwashed; freedom isn't free. well, if freedom isn't free, then it's not freedom, right, you fucking dumbasses? how stupid does a whole country have to be to fall for some dumb ass shit like that? it's a paradox if freedom isnt free. so, if freedom isnt free, then its not freedom. this country IS NOT FREE!!!! you can't even smoke a plant that is grown COMPLETELY naturally (marijuana) for god's sake, cuz the government doesn't know how to tax and mooch off of it. second;equality for everyone... if every man in this hypocritical, fake ass weak country was created equal, why haven't we ever had any black presidents? why no women presidents? i hate this fucking country and i hope all pro-bush patriotic cock suckers go to fucking hell and burn forever with their retarded monkey president, bush! iraq will rise and kill off this nuisance country! I AM PRO-IRAQ! I HOPE ALL OUR DUMBASS TROOPS DIE! THERE IS NO TERRORISTS EXCEPT FOR AMERICA, THE COUNTRY THAT HAS NO HUMANITY, THE COUNTRY WHERE MONEY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PEOPLE, THE COUNTRY THAT LIES, THE GREEDIEST COUNTRY FULL OF THE MOST HEARTLESS, SELFISH, RESOURCE WASTING, OBESE, BRAINWASHED IDIOTS ON THIS PLANET!!! AMERICA WILL BURN IN HELL!!!!

p.s. : why does 1% of this country own 93% of the money, and the rest of us 99% only own 7%? where is the equality there?
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