Thread: Where I live
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Old 11-01-2005, 05:56 PM   #8
Pump my ride!
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Deep countryside of Surrey , England
Posts: 1,890
Originally Posted by Elspode
*Awesome* digs, CF. The sunroom/greenhouse is tres groovy. Must be rather pastoral where you are.
As ever, nothing is exactly as it seems, there's always a trade off. We do have fields of horses on one side, the village road on the other (all very twee!). We get a lot of Harleys at weekends as there is a regular meet at Box Hill which is just down the road (I don't mind the HOGs and their machines - they're some of the best around, that's people and bikes). Our real trade-off is that we're only half a mile from the London Orbital Motorway, the M25 - busiest highway in the UK. It's OK when the wind is blowing from the south or west, but east and north winds just carry its noise staright into our yard (it doesn't help that the section of M-way we are next to is the only concrete section on the whole thing - so tires make a nice loud 'flap-flap-flap' noise as they cross from one concrete slab to the next). We don't notice it so much now, but visitors certainly do. Still a great place to be, all the same.
Always sufficient hills - never sufficient gears
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